ØZI/9m88《Black Out》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2023-01-23 12:39:50 355


Cruising down the streets in my 6-4

I’m about to get lit with my 6 hoes

I mean 6 bros

But haha probably both, I mean god knows

who we're gonna see in the clubs tonight




想不到 该去哪里pregame

我不要, 那里一堆瞎妹

想领桌 但还没12点

Let’s just Suntory and tea随便

Oh I don’t care

Where we go

因为 I know...

就这样一起 B.O. tonight

让我们一起 B.O. tonight

We about to B.O., B.O.

We about to B.O., B.O.

就这样一起 B.O. tonight

让我们一起 B.O. tonight

We about to B.O., B.O.

We about to B.O., B.O.

The liquid flows into my body

连续喝了 三杯shot of whiskey


她喝个vodka都不加cranberry juice.

说到Fanny 刚刚坐在她旁边的女孩

她好可爱 是我的菜

Dat ass so nice

I love her laugh

She looked at me like 坐过来

I’m frickin down for that, so I



Im loving the vibe of the night

And for that

就这样一起 B.O. tonight

让我们一起 B.O. tonight

We might as well just B.O.B.O.

We might as well just B.O.B.O.

就这样一起 B.O. tonight

让我们一起 B.O. tonight

We might as well just B.O.B.O.

We might as well just B.O.B.O.


I'm always like a party poop

Look at people, what they tryna prove

Til the moment I see you

我已知道what I wanna do

Think, Imma B.O. with you, a little bit

Chill with you, a little bit

Boi don't kill my vibe with it

How about we make a deal?



Live in this moment 不必假装

Let's go with the flow tonight

Only me and you, and you, and you

Yes, I think you know what to do

就这样一起 B.O. tonight

让我们一起 B.O. tonight

We about to B.O.B.O.

We about to B.O.B.O.

就这样一起 B.O. tonight

让我们一起 B.O. tonight

We might as well just B.O.B.O.

We might as well just B.O.B.O.





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