求光年之外 英文版 - [悬赏 金币 5 枚]

2380524199的撒大 2020-12-19 23:26:26 556

光年之外 Light Years Away 作曲:邓紫棋 中文作词:邓紫棋 英文作词:肖恩Shaun Gibson 原作:邓紫棋《光年之外》 Waking up not knowing where why or when 转醒后不知置身何时何地 Am I dreaming? Must be dreaming 我是否还身处梦境 我想一定是我还没清醒 But there you were so beautiful and then 但你就在那里 别样美丽 Gently sleeping, softly breathing 睡得轻甜 流淌着温柔鼻息 How could I just keep on walking by 我怎能就这样假装路过 And praying that you’d open up your eyes 却同时期待着你能醒来看看我 Just one time, see your beauty inside 一次足矣 我只想一窥你内心的美丽 You and I were born into another world 你我都仿佛异世的生灵 We still fell in love like every boy and girl 但却依如懵懂的孩子深陷爱河 If our future lands us way beyond the stars 如果我们的未来指向漫天繁星 Hold my hand I’ll walk with you at least that far 牵我的手 我会与你同行 I never thought that I could be crazy like I am now 从未曾想我会如现在一样疯狂 A fallen angel trembling tumbling down down down 如堕坠的天使 颤抖的身躯 All I see is an effigy of you and me making a vow 眼前只有你我签订誓约的场景 I believe if we can feel we can get by somehow 我坚信我们能坚持下去 One glance I knew I’d fallen there and then 一眼我便坠入你的魅力 It’s no secret, got no regrets 这爱毫无保留与秘密 也不曾掺杂半分悔意 I’ll follow you until the very end 我会与你一直走到尽头 Every twist and every bend 踏过每一个坎坷曲折 I’m gonna fight for you I’ll sacrifice 我甘愿为你牺牲自己 Cos now I found my one and that’s the price 只因我找到了你 人生价值的意义 Love’s the prize I’m holding onto for life 爱即是至高奖赏 我终生坚守的东西 You and I were born into another world We still fell in love like every boy and girl If our future lands us way beyond the stars Hold my hand I’ll walk with you at least that far I never thought that I could be crazy like I am now A fallen angel trembling tumbling down down down All I see is an effigy of you and me making a vow I believe if we can feel we can get by somehow And if you feel lost the stars 无助迷惘的时候 Will guide your way back home 群星会指引你回家 See how they shine 看他们闪耀的光辉 It’s a burning love inside 那是他们的熊燃爱意 How did I lose my mind? 我是怎样变得如此癫狂 How did I start to find? 我又该怎样开始找回自己 Don’t know why, love is blind 不知其因 但爱确是让人盲目的东西 And now I’m deep inside 我已深陷其间 I never thought that 我从未预见这样的自己

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