J. Cole《cLOUDs》(Explicit)[FLAC/MP3-320K]

TracySky 2025-03-16 21:44:11 6

cLOUDs - J. Cole
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 cLOUDs J. Cole

作词 : J. Cole

作曲 : J. Cole

My niggas be smoking on something loud, head to the clouds

伙计们吞云吐雾 迎来颅内高潮

I ain't been steppin' out, tired of sticking out in the crowd

我从未置身局外 只是厌倦成为人们谈论的焦点

This world is changing right in front of me


Gray hairs, I'm aging quicker than I thought I'd be

生出灰发 我变老的速度比我想象得还快

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

Please believe these flows teach egos

请相信 我的flow能教会那些自大的人

To freeze and then recede, I'm C4

如何冷静下来 并收敛锋芒 我的威力好比C4炸药

Beneath your Jeep, the second you turn that keyhole

潜藏在你吉普车底 你转动钥匙的那一刻

Then heat blows your weak flows right out the water


The father, boy, I work smarter and harder

我是神父 伙计 我做起事来聪明又利索

My style got a restraining order, don't bother

我的风格被下了限制令 别白费心机模仿我

I charter unseen territories in order

我有条不紊地开拓 尚未被人涉足的领域

To push it farther than you niggas had ever thought of

然后推动其发展 你们做梦都想不到我的成就

I caught a lotta murder charges, turned artists

背负许多谋杀指控 将艺人们

To martyrs, when I rock, thot turns to goddess

变成殉道者 我的表演能将妞们变成女神

Fiends turn to kings, dreams turn to things tangible

将瘾君子变为王者 让你梦想成真

My hands are full with grands I pulled


From stanzas, no, I can't go slow

自说唱事业发家 我不会放缓脚步

I'm Sandra Bull, either proceed with speed or don't breathe

与其慢下来 还不如停止呼吸【Sandra Bull是Speed中人物】

There's no creed or color that won't heed

所有信仰 不同肤色的人们都会注意到

To the warning, the planet'll shake when I'm performing

这份警告 我表演时地球都会颤抖

Tectonic plates from a place where Tecs on their waist

街头火拼声势浩大 犹如大地构造板块般

So stay safe, or get left with chest on your face

所以保护好自己 否则你的脸会被警察压到胸前 就这样离世

As death waits for your last of breath


I'ma pass the test, yes, I'm a master chef

我会通过考验 没错 我是顶级大厨

Want a taste, then pay for it

想要试试我的厉害 你会付出代价

They claim they're real, but they're seldom straightforward

他们说他们有多real 却从不有话直说

The pain I feel on my frame gets transmuted to a dangerous flame

我所感受到的痛苦 变成一团可怖的火焰

I spit fire at the devil while the angels sang

当天使歌唱时 我将火焰吐向恶魔

The flow changed, but Jermaine's the same, I'm Plain Jane

我的flow千变万化 但我仍是本真的模样 犹如Plain Jane般不事雕琢

Not a chain on my neck, but shine like baguettes

我的脖子上没挂金链子 但仍能散发出光芒

A shame, not a flex, to rhyme like the rest

押韵押得像在考试 真是遗憾啊 这可不能拿来炫耀

My mind's quite depressed if I don't write these

如果我不写下这些歌词 我会心神压抑

I'm Spike Lee of the audio, back in my barrio

我回到录音室 就像Spike Lee回到拉丁裔社区

Parties got shot up, so I built up all my cardio

派对上响起鎗声 也许我要跑得更快才能避险

Dodge shells, collect coins like I'm Mario


But this is not a gaming experience, I'm serious, nigga

但人生并非游戏 我是认真的 伙计

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的

(Straight up) Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up (Yeah)

(我说真的) 我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的,我说真的 (Yeah)

My niggas be smoking on something loud, head to the clouds

伙计们吞云吐雾 迎来颅内高潮

I ain't been steppin' out, tired of sticking out in the crowd

我从未置身局外 只是厌倦成为人们谈论的焦点

This world is changing right in front of me


Gray hairs, I'm aging quicker than I thought I'd be

生出灰发 我变老的速度比我想象得还快

I'm that bass in your trunk, the bullet that missed Trump

我是你后备箱里轰鸣的贝斯 是那颗与特朗普擦耳而过的子弹

The gun that jammed 'cause it seemed God had other plans

在beef大战中早早抽身 是因为上帝为我有别的安排

The Son of Man extending his hand to Son of Sam

上帝之子(我)向Sam的儿子伸出手【指David Berkowitz,在谋杀后洗心革面,成为基督教徒】

In forgiveness, for all of the homicides we witnessed

虽见证了那些恐怖事件 但怀有宽恕之心

The overdramatized, the traumatized with sickness

灾难被过度渲染 人们因痛苦而心灵受创

Thrown in the pan and caramelized for richness

扔进锅里 被煎至焦糖色以增添浓郁风味

And served on a plate with sirloin steak

和西冷牛排一起摆盘 奉上桌来

To billionaires who don't care the world's gon' break


Long as they make money off it, pain brings profit

只要别人的痛苦能够生财 那何乐而不为呢

One man gains it soon as the next man lost it

有人得到 就定会有人失去

There's a bridge you can walk to hear God talk

你可以选择走上桥 聆听上帝的教诲

But there are real slim odds a rich man crosses

但对于富人来说 这样做的可能性真是微乎其微

'Cause greed is a poisonous seed, indeed

因为贪婪是有毒的种子 在人们的心里种下

As it spreads like weeds through the mind's apple trees

它像杂草般疯长 遍布心中的苹果树上

I proceed with caution, and I'm not flossing

我谨慎行事 不去炫耀什么

Unlike some, I'm not defined by my fortune

不像某些人 财富不能定义我

I'm defined by rhymes, though I'm in my prime

只有我绝妙的韵脚能诠释我的存在 我正处在巅峰期

There was times that I was down 'cause I'd thought I'd lost it

有一段时间 我十分沮丧 我觉得自己会错失一切

But no, low and behold, as my poetry grows

但事实并非如此 你看 我仍写着诗作

I give all glory to God as the story unfolds

我展开一个个故事 将自己的荣光献给上帝

And the gray hairs that grow on my head will show


Ain't no time limit to get it, you ain't never too old

只要想做 绝对没有“太老了”这一说 没有时间限制

So keep hold of your dreams, no matter how it seems

所以抓紧自己的梦想 无论看上去伟大或是平凡

If you don't water your lawn, well, then it won't stay green

不浇水 你的草坪怎能碧绿如茵

I seen babies turn fiends, addicted to the screen

我看见过孩子变成瘾君子 沉迷电子产品

Their dad shares cashiers replaced by machines


Don't buy, subscribe so you can just stream

不需要购买 订阅 只是收听也可以

Your content like rent, you won't own a thing

你想听的内容像房屋要交租 没钱的时候你就没得听

Before long, all the songs the whole world sings'll

不久的将来 世界上的歌曲

Be generated by latest of AI regimes


As all of our favorite artists erased by it scream


From the wayside, "Ayy, whatever happened to human beings?"

在一旁呐喊着 "嘿 人类怎么了?”

Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up


Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up


Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up


Straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up, straight up


My niggas be smoking on something loud

伙计们吞云吐雾 迎来颅内高潮




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