Chris Housman《Blueneck》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

tudou 2025-02-11 00:09:08 93


Grew up with cornfields in every direction


That's where I learned all of my lessons


About life and living without fences


In the land of the free to have opinions

喜怒随心意 放肆做自己

If you work a job, you oughta make a living

在位谋职 自食其力

George Straight or George Gay, there's no difference

是弯是直 没人在意

People need help and I think that we should listen

互帮互助 倾听诉求

Three chords and my truth is

接纳不同声音 坚持内心真理

I'm a good ole boy with a bleeding heart


Just a homegrown hick with a hybrid car

开着拖拉机 心系天下事

I think y'all means all and I know we all

道理一套套 不说也知道

Just wanna know that we belong

我只想知道 哪里可依靠

There's a lot more color in the mix

黑人白人黄种人 多姿多彩一家人

Whеn you're loud and proud out in the sticks

无论天涯或海角 一样为自己骄傲

I am what I am, you get what you gеt

我永远忠于自己 你也能取你所需

Yeah, I guess I'm a red state Blueneck

我一介混迹共和区的民主派(red/blue state:红州共和党,蓝州民主党)

My American dream is wide open spaces


Plenty of room for us all to be safe in

人人享有安全空间 都能放心做自己

Yeah, that's a future that I'm chasing


So I'm gonna go make it


I'm a good ole boy with a bleeding heart


Just a homegrown hick with a hybrid car

开着拖拉机 心系天下事

I think y'all means all and I know we all

道理一套套 不说也知道

Just wanna know that we belong

我只想知道 哪里可依靠

There's a lot more color in the mix

黑人白人黄种人 多姿多彩一家人

When you're loud and proud out in the sticks

无论天涯或海角 一样为自己骄傲

I am what I am, you get what you get

我永远忠于自己 你也能取你所需

Yeah, I guess I'm a red state Blueneck


Yeah, I'm a red state Blueneck


Can a country kid wanna see the glass ceiling shatter?

农村孩子能有和城里人一样的光明未来吗(glass ceiling:职场中隐形的升迁障碍)

Wanna see a world where Black Lives Matter

有生之年能盼来众生平等吗(Black Lives Matter:黑人人权运动)

Liberty and Justice for just some of us

当今社会 自由正义仍是奢侈品

Ain't how the heartland brought me up


I'm a good ole boy with a bleeding heart


Just a homegrown hick with a hybrid car

开着拖拉机 心系天下事

I think y'all means all and I know we all

道理一套套 不说也知道

Just wanna know that we belong

我只想知道 哪里可依靠

There's a lot more color in the mix

黑人白人黄种人 多姿多彩一家人

When you're loud and proud out in the sticks

无论天涯或海角 一样为自己骄傲

I am what I am, you get what you get

我永远忠于自己 你也能取你所需

Yeah, I guess I'm a red state Blueneck


Yeah, I'm a red state Blueneck


Yeah, I'm a red state Blueneck





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