Keung To 姜涛《白果》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

tudou 2025-01-03 21:47:56 272

白果 - Keung To 姜涛
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 白果 Keung To 姜涛


艺术 又堕入烟雾

最尾 也计较分数

谁人 期望太高

但又惊 大热倒灶

将一共 十六胎温度

送世人 同捱过旅途

灵魂诚实对质 想不想检讨

是我的心魔 怕吃白果

在我的心窝 永有枷锁



台上的我 台下的我 谁是虚火

(Win or lose let it go)

Let it go let it go let the demon go

Let it flow let it flow let the water flow

Let it go let it go let the music glow

No more battle everybody let it go

白白白白 it's ginkgo it's ginkgo

白白白白 it's angel it's angel

Here comes the seeding in the rain

I'm gonna pick it up

Hurry up take it slow

是白鹭 或是乌鸦 问问心底

想得到 个个倾慕 尊号

或索性 铩羽返归

跟音乐 觅什么关系

送世人 无为也有为

咸鱼和白菜间 怎么分高低

是我的心魔 爱吃白果

在我的心窝 拆去枷锁



银杏天使 头上展翅 投下种籽

(Win or lose let it go)

Let it go let it go let the demon go

Let it flow let it flow let the water flow

Let it go let it go let the music glow

No more battle everybody let it go

白白白白 it's ginkgo it's ginkgo

白白白白 it's angel it's angel

Here comes the seeding in the rain

I'm gonna pick it up

Hurry up take it slow

这份礼物洁白坚实 有谁会乐意开啓

Let me break it down it's breaking down oh

我共我又正面冲突 挫败里自我解体

I'm breaking down breaking down breaking down breaking down

(Waking up someone's waking up waking up)

Let it go let it go let the demon go

Let it flow let it flow let the water flow

Let it go let it go let the music glow

I am Keung to everybody has a role

白白白白 撒撒撒撒

叱叱咤咤 到处散发

Here comes the blessing in the rain

Here am I dressing up

Everybody good show




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