Sabrina Carpenter《cindy lou who》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2024-12-24 14:40:47 136

cindy lou who - Sabrina Carpenter
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 cindy lou who Sabrina Carpenter


I saw you laughing in one of his pictures

和他的合照里 你笑得十分惹眼

But you'll be the one with his ring on your finger

而你也会戴上他的戒指 成为他的新娘

There's red and green everywhere but l'm so blue

四处点缀红绿 张灯结彩 而我却郁郁寡欢

Cindy Lou Who

Cindy Lou Who

Maybe he met you somewhere in the desert


While he was soul-searching, he found someone better

寻找灵魂的途中 他觅得更好的伴侣

Guess you make him happy like I couldn't do

想必你给他的 是我给不了的幸福

Cindy Lou Who

Cindy Lou Who

With your hair so long, lips so red

你那飘逸的长发 你那诱人的红唇

Maybe we met once I forget

或许我们以前遇见过 是我又忘了

Scrolling five years back, I'm obsessed

回顾五年前 我深陷爱河 无法自拔

Breaking my heart 'tis the season I guess


With your hair so long, lips so red

你那飘逸的长发 你那诱人的红唇

If you're waking up now in his old bed


At his family's house, know that you're just

若你住在他家人的房子里 因为你

Breaking my heart 'tis the season I guess

这个冬天 我才如此心碎

The snow's gonna fall and the tree's gonna glisten

白雪纷纷落下 圣诞树彩灯闪烁

And I'm gonna puke at the thought of you kissin'

想到你们亲吻的画面 我就想吐

The boy who I love who's now in love with you

我爱的男孩 如今却爱上了你

Cindy Lou Who

Cindy Lou Who

Told all my friends they said it can't be true

我跟朋友一一诉苦 他们却说这是天方夜谭

Cindy Lou Who

Cindy Lou Who




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