Tyler, The Creator《Thought I Was Dead》[MP3-320K/8M]

tudou 2024-11-03 21:48:40 134

Thought I Was Dead - Tyler, The Creator
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Thought I Was Dead Tyler, The Creator


(You know what I , with the soldier)


(You know what I , with the soldier)


(You know what I , with the soldier)


(You niggas thought I was dead)


(You niggas thought I was dead)


(You niggas thought I was dead)

好吧妹子 我一直被困在这“动物园”似的聚光灯下

(You niggas thought I was dead)


Okay, you bitch like the trap in the zoo

我需要点空间 就像哥的跑车后座也需要多点位置

And got passed like a crack of a I use the space like the back of a coupe

想要一根魔杖 令我“彭”一声消失在这世间所以他们还以为我玩完了(致敬自己的歌曲NEW MAGIC WAND)

I tried a magic wand, I tried a noose, so (Thought I was dead)

抄上火器 那些所谓的“光鲜亮丽”都可以滚蛋了

Grab the blammer, **** all the glitz and the glamour

想要在亚城有栋宅邸 兄弟 我和我妹子都在还有你这小崽子的纸尿裤

I want a crib in Atlanta, I got the beam, my bitch and your Pampers


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead

You niggas thought I was dead (Shit)

You— (Thought I was dead, yeah-yeah-yeah)



You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead

You niggas thought I was dead

街头对我爱戴有佳 但我必须离开这里

前往山中的宅邸 他们看不见

Get love in the hood when I must leave


Small bags, twenty Ms, twenty Got a bullet for the boys goin' O-D

好像我为布法罗比尔队效力 过载一般的努力(此指Damar Hamlin 在对阵辛辛那提猛虎队的比赛中发生了心脏震荡)你们这帮崽子还以为我玩完了(Damar Hamlin在抢救后生还)

Niggas say they get rich and they everywhere


Why you runnin' up the party with your butt bare?

你屁股都做了穿刺 派对里的兄弟还咋欢迎你

'til the check clear

怪哦 我宁愿在钱打到之前一直打高尔夫

Then they slumped and they find that they out here

兄弟都35岁了 现在才出洞

In the Rolls and the Royce tryna poke 'round

兄弟 选哪辆劳斯莱斯哦 得计划好

I was really outside with the dopeman


I don't really got kids, nigga, no chance

现在我坐拥百万 你们这帮β没机会的

I don't want that shit with your broke-ass, hm


**** you, pay me, and if you won't

开搞 幹哦 那个梦

Let me say it again


**** you, pay me, and if you won't


Let-let-let-let-let me in

You niggas thought I was dead (Uh)


You niggas thought I was dead (Shit)


You niggas thought I was dead (Uh)


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead (Yeah)


You niggas thought I was dead


You niggas thought I was dead (Yeah-yeah-yeah)


You niggas thought I was dead (They thought I was dead)


I don't wanna be found (Mm, uh), I don't wanna be down (Mm, uh)

我可不想被找到 我可不想失望

I don't wanna be found (Mm, uh), I don't wanna be down (Mm, uh)

我可不想被找到 我可不想失望

I don't wanna be found (Woo), I don't wanna be down (Oh, you know Tyler, his talk)

我可不想被找到 我可不想失望

I don't wanna be found (I'm so sick of these niggas), I don't wanna be down (They don't know you, ooh, ah)

我可不想被找到 我可不想失望

White boys mockin' this shit and y'all mad at me? Y'all can suck my dick (Suck my dick)

白人男孩糟践着我们的黑人文化 你们还对我生气 都给爷爬(指的是Tyler在采访中对Ian开喷 Tyler认为他糟践了Future和Gucci Mane开创的说唱风格 糟践了说唱文化)

Pull up old tweets, pull up old t-shirts, all that, I moonwalk over that bitch (Hee-hee)

翻出我早期的推文和T恤找黑料 哥直接在你们头上太空步(人们想要用“取消文化”取消掉Tyler 但Tyler不在乎)

T-T changed like the fit got dirty

我变了 就像T恤脏了就得换

I was young man, then a nigga hit thirty

曾经是个年轻人 突然一下就三十岁了

I was one mill', then a nigga hit thirty

曾经有一百万 突然一下就赚到三千万了

Bitch, you ain't Coco Gauff, you can't serve me (Mm, uh)

妹妹 你又不是Coco Gauff 对哥造不成影响(Coco Gauff为知名网球运动员 serve双关 字面意思为发球)

You anti-war? Hm, yeah, right

说我反什么??啊对 你说的都对

Niggas runnin' they mouth, keep it airtight

小弟娃们嘴巴漏风 给他们缝上都

I'ma crash shit out 'til my hair white (Mm, uh)


I got too much drive, I'm a terabyte (Mm, uh)

我的意志太坚定 哥是个太字节(drive双关意志/硬盘)

I got a big ol' head, I ain't like these niggas (Niggas)

我有个大脑袋 不像这帮说唱歌手

Nuh uh, don't put me with these niggas (Niggas)

nono 别把我的名字和这帮β一块提及

I'on "Haha, keke" with these niggas (Niggas)


Loiter Squad, baby, I don't be with these niggas (Niggas)

就像鬼混队 宝 我不和这帮人厮混

Same boys with me since back-back then (Mm, uh)

还和自己的day1兄弟在一起(疑似odd future)

Everything I said I do, I did (True story)

每件我说自己会干的事 我都做到了

Talk my shit? I sure damn will (Mm, uh)


You ain't like that shit? I's do it again (Mm, uh)


Five in the morning, I be hatin' on shit (Mm, uh)

凌晨五点 我就开始讨厌

Ten in the evening, I be hatin' on shit (Mm, uh)

早上十点 我接着讨厌

Ten years later, mighta changed my mind (Mm, uh)

十年以后我或许会回心转意(在Bastard发布十年后 Tyler发布了Igor 拥抱了自己的双性恋身份)

I'm a fake-ass bitch, don't kill me (Mm, uh)

我就是这么虚伪 别鲨我

I'm a hypocrite, ain't real, ain't really

我就是个伪君子 没有 不真是这样

I'm a big troll, haha, I'm silly (I'm silly)

我就喜欢恶搞 哈哈 我真傻

**** you know about being better than them niggas that you hate?


You ain't good at shit, you can't feel me

你干啥啥不行 没法和我感同身受

Talk your one-trick goat, I'm billy (Mm, uh)

说着你是什么一招鲜吃遍天的神 我才是史上最佳(billy goat是雄性山羊的意思)

Shoutout papa, he for real (Mm, yeah, uh)

像菲董致敬 他真的nb(for real双关菲董Pharrell Williams)

Don't test V, he pop for real (Mm, uh)

致敬我的保镖Vill 他真的突突人

Had to call him like, "Stop and chill" (Mm, uh, ah), look


I tries to be out the way


I like the farm with the lake, I like some truth in my space

我喜欢带着湖泊的农场 在我的一亩三分地里有一丝真理

Y'all niggas friendly and fake


"That's big bro," how? When y'all met yesterday?

“那是我的好兄弟” 说啥子呢?咱们不是昨天才第一次见?

This feel Planet of the Apes


Why am I filled with this hate?


Got freedom in every way


Y'all wanna take what I got, but y'all do not got what it take

你们只想要拿走我的成就 但根本没有我取得此般成就所做的付出

I don't wanna be found, ya ho (Yeah, yeah)

我不想被找到 你勾八谁?

I don't wanna be down, ya ho (Yeah, yeah)

我不想要失望 你个妹妹

I don't like comin' around, ya ho (Yeah, yeah)

我不想在你身边 你个妹妹

I will not, "Knock-knock," at your door (Yeah)


Just me, that's what I said (Ayy, ayy)

我的世界里只有我 这就是我声张的

Trav', these niggas is fed' (Ayy, ayy)

Travis Bennett好兄弟啊 这帮β都是些条子

Me, I'm overhead (Ayy, ayy)

我 早已盘旋在天上

These niggas thought I was dead






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