
隔壁老王 2024-10-15 13:06:27 164


I'm caught up in the everyday trend


Tied up by invisible thread


Walking down a razor-thin edge

走在刀锋之上 步履维艰

And I wake up tired, think I'm better off dead

醒来疲惫不堪 恍惚间竟生出死志

Been a few months since I crossed over state lines

四处奔波 跨越州界已数月

Talk to my mom, fake smiles over FaceTime

跟妈妈视频 强颜欢笑 内心苦涩

Drink all night till I can't walk a straight line

夜夜买醉 走路踉踉跄跄

Feel so low, but I'm high at the same time

心如死灰 却又飘飘欲仙

I can't keep my feet on the ground

我心浮气躁 没办法脚踏实地

And I'm nervous what you'll think of me now

惶恐不安 担心你会轻视我

I'm hoping that someone comes around


And helps me figure it out


I think that I should try to kill my ego

我该扼杀自我 收敛傲慢之心

'Cause if I don't, my ego might kill me

若是不这样自救 必遭反噬

I'm all grown up but somehow lately

年岁渐长 可是近来

I'm acting like a ****ing baby


I'm really not as happy as I seem

强颜欢笑 内心苦楚

Still a little kid that can't make friends

我仍稚气未脱 交友困难

Wanna be invited, but I won't attend

渴望受人邀请 却又胆怯退缩

I been having bad dreams, my career could end

噩梦缠身 事业岌岌可危

'Cause I slip up when I should've played pretend

怪自己虚情假意 错失良机

Turned eighteen, and I left the city

十八岁时 我离开了这座城

I said "I wanna be cool, I don't wanna be pretty"

我曾说过 “我要酷 不要美”

The voices all came crashing down

内心的声音 如雷轰鸣

And said, "You're too nice to run this town"

告诫我 “你太善良 没法主宰这座城”

I can't keep my feet on the ground

我心浮气躁 没办法脚踏实地

And I'm nervous what you'll think of me now

惶恐不安 担心你会轻视我

I'm hoping that someone comes around


And helps me figure it out


I think that I should try to kill my ego

我该扼杀自我 收敛傲慢之心

'Cause if I don't my ego might kill me

若是不这样自救 必遭反噬

I'm all grown up but somehow lately

年岁渐长 可是近来

I'm acting like a ****ing baby


I'm really not as happy as I seem

强颜欢笑 内心苦楚

Nothing's as it seems


Yeah, nothing's as it seems

Yeah 一切并非表面那样

And I'm all grown up but somehow lately


I'm acting like a ****ing baby

强颜欢笑 内心苦楚

I'm really not that happy being me


I don't like the lie I'm living


I'm way too nice and too forgiving

我过于善良 过于宽容

I wanna go back to the beginning


When it all felt right


A rooftop, Lower East Side, I'm singing

屋顶之上 下东区 我唱着歌

Didn't give a **** if I was winning


It's all done now, so who am I kidding?

一切已成过去 我又在骗谁呢?

I'm doing way worse than I'm admitting

既然自欺欺人 那就自食其果

I think that I should try to kill my ego

我该扼杀自我 收敛傲慢之心

'Cause if I don't my ego might kill me

若是不这样自救 必遭反噬

I'm all grown up but somehow lately

年岁渐长 可是近来

I'm acting like a ****ing baby


I'm really not as happy as I seem

强颜欢笑 内心苦楚

Nothing's as it seems


Yeah, nothing's as it seems

Yeah 一切并非表面那样

And I'm all grown up but somehow lately


I'm acting like a ****ing baby

强颜欢笑 内心苦楚

I'm really not that happy being me






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