Pentangle《High Germany》[MP3-320K/7.5M]

Solor0330 2024-10-10 11:53:10 5


Oh Polly love oh Polly the rout has now begun

And we must March away at the beating of the drum

Go dress yourself in all your best and come along with me

I'll take you to the cruel wars in High Germany

I fear the treacherous journey bitter cold and burning heat

Rough roads and stony mountains they will wound my tender feet

To your kinsmen I might prove untrue if from them I do go

For maids must bide at their parents' side while the men do face the foe

I'll buy for you a horse my love and on it you will ride

Then all of my contentment shall be riding at my side

We'll stop at every ale house and drink when we are dry

So quickly on the road my love and marry by and by

Oh Billy love oh Billy now mind what I do say

My feet they are so tired I cannot go away

Besides my dearest Billy I am with child by thee

Not fitting for the cruel wars in High Germany

Oh Polly love oh Polly I love you very well

There are few in any place my Polly can excel

And when your babe is born and sits smiling on your knee

You will think on your Billy that's in High Germany

Oh Cursed be the cruel wars that ever they began

For they have pressed my Billy and many a clever man

For they have pressed my Billy likewise my brothers three

And sent them to the cruel wars in High Germany





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