
tudou 2024-10-09 23:06:26 7


Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

How she walk through swingin' that body

她翩跹而至 风姿绰约

Yellin' who gon' stop me stop me

呐喊着 谁能阻止我

You ain't got the time to clock me


Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

Big bag I'ma fill it up with money


Yellin' who gon' stop me stop me

呐喊着 谁能阻止我

You ain't got the time to clock me


Pull the pull the cameras out a ***** be lookin' too good

把相机拿出来 我看起来美艳绝伦

My name in her mouth I tell that ho to chew up

她把我的名字挂在嘴边 我告诉那个女孩好好咀嚼

Lambo match the loubis pretty ***** and yeah my mood up

兰博基尼跑车配上鲁布托的鞋子 变成美丽的女孩 我心情愉悦

Ain't worried 'bout them hoes talkin' down 'cause I'm too up

我不会担心这些人故意诋毁我 因为我无人能及

I'm bougie moody tannin' in my louis

我无与伦比 喜怒无常 把我的鲁布托鞋子弄成棕褐色

It's a privilege just to say you knew me

只是说你认识我 无异于是莫大的荣幸

If I if I double back he overpayin' not to lose me

如果我回心转意 他会付出更多的心血 只为不要失去我

My bestie ain't an actor but we always makе a movie that's right

我的挚友不是演员 但我们总是会拍影片 就是这样

Like plane sprinter glam to the club

就像是私人飞机 跑车 直奔夜店

Back door section shots another club

后门 街区 烈酒 另一家夜店

Two shows one night what's that a hundred plus

一晚两场演出 这是什么 一百多万的收入

Whole room full of bad ******* it's a lot of us

房间里到处都辣妹 我们人数众多

Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

How she walk through swingin' that body

她翩跹而至 风姿绰约

Yellin' who gon' stop me stop me

呐喊着 谁能阻止我

You ain't got the time to clock me


Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

Big bag I'ma fill it up with money


Yellin' who gon' stop me stop me

呐喊着 谁能阻止我

You ain't got the time to clock me


Nani nani good nani sweet

容貌出众 美妙无比

Mention me you get them retweets

只要提起我 大家都会转发你发布的动态

I got that body know I know I got that body body

我的身材婀娜多姿 要知道我的身材婀娜多姿

Watch it tick tick you obsessin' all about me

注视着 时间滴答流逝 你对我心醉神迷

I know that's right uh


Keep keep it cunty OMG I look like money

尽情释放魅力 我的天啊 我看起来像金钱一样

Could have been a playboy bunny look at all this body on me bad

本来可以成为花花公子兔女郎 注视着我这火辣的身材

Dancin' in the mirror all a ***** can do is brag

在镜子前整理妆容 我所能做的就是尽情炫耀

Another day another ******' bag like

另外一天 赚到盆满钵满

Plane sprinter glam to the club

搭乘着私人飞机 跑车 直奔夜店

Back door section shots another club

后门 街区 烈酒 另一家夜店

Two shows one night what's that a hundred plus

一晚两场演出 这是什么 一百多万的收入

Whole room full of bad ******* it's a lot of us

房间里到处都辣妹 我们人数众多

Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

How she walk through swingin' that body

她翩跹而至 风姿绰约

Yellin' who gon' stop me stop me

呐喊着 谁能阻止我

You ain't got the time to clock me


Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

Big bag I'ma fill it up with money


Yellin' who gon' stop me stop me

呐喊着 谁能阻止我

You ain't got the time to clock me


Ooh got that nani nani nani nani

容貌出众 美艳动人

How she walk through swingin' that body

她翩跹而至 风姿绰约


'Cause who gon' stop me *****


Not you


I know that's right


And I'm out





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