求Peter, Paul & Mary版的lemon tree 无损音乐 - [已解决 赏金 5 枚]

woshidandan 2024-09-25 11:55:43 19

叫lemon tree 的音乐太多啦,部分歌词如下,是Peter, Paul & Mary版的

When I was just a lad of ten,
my father said to me,
Come here and learn a lesson from the lovely lemon tree.
Don't put your faith in love, my boy.
My father said to me,
I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree.
Lemon tree very pretty,
and the lemon flower is sweet,
but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

  • sgmi 5月前
    通过网盘分享的文件:Peter, Paul & Mary - Lemon Tree.flac
    链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19-e9CV2O_arZSe7u_7acSg?pwd=s635 提取码: s635
  • 最新回复 (1)
    • sgmi 2024-09-25 16:53:46
      通过网盘分享的文件:Peter, Paul & Mary - Lemon Tree.flac
      链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/19-e9CV2O_arZSe7u_7acSg?pwd=s635 提取码: s635

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