Kendrick Lamar《Not Like Us》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2024-06-24 12:45:44 1120


Psst I see dead people

嘘 我看到了一位失势的歌手

Mustard on the beat ho

DJ Mustard制作了这节奏

Ayy Mustard on the beat ho

DJ Mustard制作了这节奏

Deebo any rap nigga he a free throw

对待Deebo或任何rapper 他都像自由投篮一样轻松

Man down call an amberlamps tell him "Breathe bro"

有人倒下了 叫救护车 告诉他"兄弟 振作点"

Nail a nigga to the cross he walk around like Teezo

把对手钉上十字架后 他走起路来像Teezo

What's up with these jabroni-a*s niggas tryna see Compton

这些不知好歹的家伙在干嘛 竟然想要挑战Compton

The industry can hate me **** 'em all and they mama

音乐行业可能会讨厌我 但去他妈的

How many opps you really got


I mean it's too many options


I'm finna pass on this body I'm John Stockton

有的人我会放过他 我是John Stockton

Beat your a*s and hide the Bible if God watchin'

把你揍一顿 如果上帝在看我就把圣经藏起来

Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas

有时候你就得秀下肌肉 让人们看到你的实力

Certified boogeyman I'm the one that up the score with 'em

被认证的恶棍 我是和他们一起上分的人

Walk him down whole time I know he got some ho in him

无论如何我都会紧盯他 我知道他害怕了

Pole on him extort **** bully Death Row on him

用枪指着他 像勒索恐吓 像霸凌一样让死亡笼罩他

Say Drake I hear you like 'em young


You better not ever go to cell block one


To any ***** that talk to him and they in love


Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him


They tell me Chubbs the only one that get your hand-me-downs

他们告诉我 Chubbs是唯一愿意接受你破鞋的人

And Party at the party playin' with his nose now


And Baka got a weird case why is he around

Baka有个奇怪的案子 他为啥会出现在这里

Certified Lover Boy


Certified pedophiles


Wop wop wop wop wop Dot **** 'em up


Wop wop wop wop wop I'ma do my stuff


Why you trollin' like a *****


Ain't you tired


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minor

试着弹点和弦 要不就A小调吧

They not like us they not like us they not like us

他们不像我们 他们不像我们 他们不像我们

They not like us they not like us they not like us

他们不像我们 他们不像我们 他们不像我们 他们不像我们

You think the Bay gon' let you disrespect Pac nigga


I think that Oakland show gon' be your last stop nigga

我觉得 在奥克兰的演出会是你的最后一站 老兄

Did Cole fouI I don't know why you still pretendin'

犯规了 我不知道你为什么还在假装

What is the owl


Bird niggas and bird ******* go


The audience not dumb


Shape the stories how you want hey Drake they're not slow

你可以胡编乱造 Drake但他们并不笨

Rabbit hole is still deep I can go further I promise

兔子洞还很深 我想深入探讨 我保证

Ain't that somethin'


B-Rad stands for *****


And you Malibu most wanted


Ain't no law boy you ballboy fetch Gatorade or somethin'

不被法律约束的小伙子 你是球童 去拿些佳得乐或别的什么

Since 2009 I had this ***** jumpin'

从2009年以来 我就让这些人很兴奋

You niggas'll get a wedgie be flipped over your boxers


What OVO for


The "Other Vaginal Option"




Nigga better straighten they posture got famous all up in Compton

这些家伙最好挺直腰板 他们在Compton引起了轰动

Might write this with a doctrine tell the pop star "Quit hidin'"

或许得用另一种方式写这首歌 告诉那个流行明星"别再躲了"

**** a caption want action no accident and I'm hands-on

不要光说不练 我要行动 没有意外 我会亲自动手

He **** around get polished

他要是胡闹 就会受到惩罚

****** on Wayne girl while he was in jail that's connivin'

当Wayne在监狱里时跟他的女孩一番风雨时 那很阴险

Then get his face tatted like a ***** apologizin'

然后把他的脸纹身 像个道歉的**

I'm glad DeRoz' came home y'all didn't deserve him neither

我很开心DeRoz回家了 你们都不配拥有他

From Alondra down to Central nigga better not speak on Serena


And your home boy need subpoena that predator move in flocks

你的哥们需要传票 那些不怀好意的人已经成群结队开始行动

That name gotta be registered and placed on neighborhood watch

那个名字必须被登记 并置于社区监控之下

I lean on you niggas like another line of Wock'

我需要你们 仿佛需要再来点震撼

Yeah it's all eyes on me and I'ma send it up to Pac ayy

是的 所有人都在关注我 我向Pac致敬

Put the wrong label on me I'ma get 'em dropped ayy

如果给我贴上错误的标签 我会让他们都倒霉

Sweet Chin Music and I won't pass the aux ayy

我会展开强烈的反击 我不会把音乐交给别人来控制

How many stocks do I really have in stock



One two three four five plus five ayy

一 二 三 四 五

Devil is a lie he a 69 God ayy

魔鬼就像谎言 他是个性爱之神

Freaky-a*s niggas need to stay they a*s inside ayy

变态的混蛋 最好给我呆在家里

Roll they a*s up like a fresh pack of 'za ayy

像刚出炉的披萨 就像翘他们翘起的屁股

City is back up it's a must we outside ayy

城市已经恢复正常 我们必须走出去

They not like us they not like us they not like us

他们不像我们 他们不像我们 他们不像我们

They not like us they not like us they not like us

他们不像我们 他们不像我们 他们不像我们

Once upon a time all of us was in chains


Homie still doubled down callin' us some slaves

兄弟们仍然咬紧牙关 把我们叫做奴隶

Atlanta was the Mecca buildin' railroads and trains

Atlanta是圣地 单上面已然筑起了铁路和火车

Bear with me for a second let me put y'all on game

请稍等片刻 让我告诉你们一些事情

The settlers was usin' town folk to make 'em richer


Fast-forward 2024 you got the same agenda

快进到2024年 你能看到了同样的议程

You run to Atlanta when you need a check balance


Let me break it down for you this the real nigga challenge

让我帮你释疑 这是真正的挑战

You called Future when you didn't see the club

当你找不到俱乐部时 给Future打电话

Ayy what


Lil Baby helped you get your lingo up

Lil Baby帮你提升了你的行话



21 gave you false street cred


Thug made you feel like you a slime in your head


Ayy what


Quavo said you can be from Northside




2 Chainz say you good but he lied

2 Chainz说你很棒但他在撒谎

You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars

如果你需要一点小钱 就跑去Atlanta

No you not a colleague you a ******* colonizer

不 你不是同伴 你是该死的殖民者

The family matter and the truth of the matter

事实的真相是 家庭关系至关重要

It was God's plan to show y'all the liar

上帝的计划 是向你们展示谎言



He a fan he a fan he a fan

他是个粉丝 他是个粉丝 他是个粉丝


He a fan he a fan he a

他是个粉丝 他是个粉丝 他是个粉丝

Freaky-a*s nigga he a 69 God

变态的混蛋 他是个性爱之神

Freaky-a*s nigga he a 69 God

变态的混蛋 他是个性爱之神

Hey hey hey hey run for your life

嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 为了你的小命快跑

Hey hey hey hey run for your life

嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 为了你的小命快跑

Freaky-a*s nigga he a 69 God

变态的混蛋 他是个性爱之神

Freaky-a*s nigga he a 69 God

变态的混蛋 他是个性爱之神

Hey hey hey hey run for your life

嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 为了你的小命快跑

Hey hey hey hey run for your life

嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿 为了你的小命快跑

Let me hear you say "OV-ho"



Say "OV-ho"



Then step this way step that way

那么朝这边走 朝那边走

Then step this way step that way

那么朝这边走 朝那边走

Are you my friend


Are we locked in


Then step this way step that way

那么朝这边走 朝那边走

Then step this way step that way

那么朝这边走 朝那边走




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