Justin Bieber《Intentions (Acoustic)》[MP3-320K/6.2M]

tudou 2020-03-19 19:54:35 4850

Intentions (Acoustic) - Justin Bieber
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Intentions (Acoustic) Justin Bieber


Picture perfect, you don't need no filter

你的照片超美 根本不需要滤镜

Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you a killer

你光芒闪耀 让他们自惭形秽 你堪称夺心杀手

Shower you with all my attention


Yeah, these are my only intentions

没错 这就是我唯一的想法

Stay in the kitchen cookin' up, got your own bread

你呆在厨房 专心致志的烘焙着面包

Heart full of equity, you're an asset

你有着一颗正直善良的心 绝对是珍宝

Make sure that you don't need no mentions


Yeah, these are my only intentions

没错 这就是我唯一的想法

Shout-out to your mom and dad for makin' you


Standin' ovation, they did a great job raisin' you


When I create, you're my muse

我诞生的那一刻起 你就是我的女神

That kind of smile that makes the news


Can't nobody throw shade on your name in these streets

任何人都不能肆意造谣 无端指责你

Triple threat, you a boss, you a bae, you a beast

你堪称“三重威胁”既是我的老大 又是我的宝贝 更是我的小“怪兽”

You make it easy to choose


You got a mean touch, I can't refuse (No, I can't refuse it)

你无与伦比的爱抚 我无法抗拒(不 我难以抗拒)

Picture perfect, you don't need no filter

你的照片超美 根本就不需要滤镜

Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you a killer

你光芒闪耀 让他们自惭形秽 你堪称夺心杀手

Shower you with all my attention


Yeah, these are my only intentions

没错 这就是我唯一的想法

Stay in the kitchen cookin' up, got your own bread

你呆在厨房 专心致志的烘焙着面包

Heart full of equity, you're an asset

你有着一颗正直善良的心 绝对是珍宝

Make sure that you don't need no mentions


Yeah, these are my only intentions

没错 这就是我唯一的想法

Already pass, you don't need no approval

我的心早已接受你 你无需其他准许

Good everywhere, don't worry 'bout no refusal

一切都是那样美好 无须担心 我的心门永远对你敞开

Second to none, you got the upper hand now

你就是NO.1 你就是绝对的老大

Don't need a sponsor, nope, you're the brand now

什么赞助商都不稀罕 你就是绝对的招牌

You're my rock, my Colorado

你是我的摇滚女神 我心中的科罗拉多

Get that ring, just like Toronto


Love you now, a little more tomorrow

此刻我很爱你 明天只会更爱你

This how I feel, act like you know that you are

这就是我的感觉 你的举手投足好像在说你知道

Picture perfect, you don't need no filter

你的照片超美 根本就不需要滤镜

Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you a killer

你光芒闪耀 让他们自惭形秽 你堪称夺心杀手

Shower you with all my attention


Yeah, these are my only intentions

没错 这就是我唯一的想法

Stay in the kitchen cookin' up, got your own bread

你呆在厨房 专心致志的烘焙着面包

Heart full of equity, you're an asset

你有着一颗正直善良的心 绝对是珍宝

Make sure that you don't need no mentions


Yeah, these are my only intentions

没错 这就是我唯一的想法

Only intentions


That's all I plan to do






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