All the foreign music you want for just a few coins!

ndeah 2024-05-08 07:43:24 193

I am a foreigner so I have access to a large amount of music and I can give it to you in exchange for the coins you can give me, I also need coins to download music!, greetings

Write in the comments the song you want and I will bring it [I usually upload full albums]

最新回复 (12)
  • 池中虚月白 2024-05-08 18:40:12

  • songoot 2024-05-08 19:11:39
  • Xuwt123 2024-05-08 20:28:03
    Hope you will be happy there ! Also,in China,we cannot use Google service easily,why not try onedrive or others?
  • ndeah 2024-05-10 05:45:35
    What storage services do you prefer? I usually use google drive because it offers me a large storage capacity. If you have a free storage service that I can use, share it with me, I will use it if I can access it. I don't use Baidu because it doesn't work well for my country.
  • rain2048 2024-05-10 10:50:40

    日本人ですか?Are you Japanese?

  • ndeah 2024-05-10 12:35:56
    rain2048 日本人ですか?Are you Japanese?
    I am from latinamerica
  • 时光如雨雨如烟 2024-05-12 11:25:53
    好!(此回复虽有且仅有一 个字,却深刻的表达了回复人的深深祝福与刻骨的情感,可谓言简意骇,一字千金,字字扣人心弦,字字催人泪下,足可见回复人扎实的文字功底和信手拈来的写作技巧以及惨绝人寰的创新能力。实是佩服佩服!再加上以感叹号收尾,点睛之笔,妙笔生花,意境深远,照应前文,升华主题,把回复人的感情表达的淋漓尽致,给人以无限的感动和惆怅,有浑然天成之感,实乃回复中之极品,祝福中之绝笔。)
  • Bird无齿 2024-05-28 23:31:28
  • hanzy1998 2024-05-29 09:28:15
    ndeah What storage services do you prefer? I usually use google drive because it offers me a large storage ...
    Microsoft Ondrive
  • 林晓峰 2024-06-03 11:46:21
  • xiaogenyuan 2024-08-10 02:29:55
    时光如雨雨如烟 好!(此回复虽有且仅有一 个字,却深刻的表达了回复人的深深祝福与刻骨的情感,可谓言简意骇,一字千金,字字扣人心弦,字字催人泪下,足可见回复人扎实的文字功底和信手拈来的写作技巧以及惨绝人寰的创新能力。实 ...
  • ANHKB 2024-08-21 00:58:06

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