Glass Animals《Creatures in Heaven》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

gk87 2024-04-23 21:28:17 318

Creatures in Heaven - Glass Animals
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Creatures in Heaven Glass Animals

Three in the morning, making love
凌晨三点 爱欲翻涌 缠绵悱恻
Laid on the floor of your apartment
Bird's eye view of the two of us
俯瞰着我们的身姿 宛如上帝视角

Face in makeup and cheap fake blood
妆容未褪 廉价的假血迹迹可循
What do you think about when you think about love?
思忖爱为何物 你可曾有过答案
I'm dumbstruck when you're tender
你的温柔叫我心神荡漾 无以言表
But it's three in the morning, be in the moment
凌晨三点 抛却杂念 沉浸于当下
Here in the moment, free in the moment
此刻在此 感受自由的释然
It tears through my head, does it haunt you too?
在我脑海中肆虐的种种 是否也纠缠着你
Diamonds in the dark in your old bedroom
黑暗的卧房里 钻石般璀璨的你
You held me like my mother made me just for you
拥抱着我 仿若母亲般轻柔呵护 为你而生也甘之如饴
You held me so close that I broke in two
那样的紧拥 却让我有种破碎的错觉
It tears through my head, does it haunt you too?
在我脑海中肆虐的种种 是否也纠缠着你
Never really said that I loved you too
我从未真正说过 我也爱你
Lucky, lucky you 'cause I'm fortune's fool
幸运的是你 因为我是命运的蠢人
Such small words but they hit so huge
寥寥数语 却震耳欲聋
I don't think I realise
Just how much I miss you sometimes
We were young and so in love
那时我们还年轻 爱得纯真热烈
We were just creatures in Heaven
仿佛抵达云端 宛若天国的造物
I don't think I realise
Just how much I miss you sometimes
For a moment we were just
仿佛一瞬之间 我们并肩携手
We were just creatures in Heaven
抵达云端 宛若天国的造物
Three in the morning, safe inside
凌晨三点 蜷缩一隅 安稳而隐秘
Bury me here in your laundry pile
At three in the morning, be in the moment
抛开尘世的喧嚣 沉醉于此刻的欢愉
Here in the moment, free in the moment
唯有当下的紧拥 才是最真实的自由
Three in the morning, over like that
Go slow motion, cut it to black
'Cause it's merely a moment, here for a moment
因为这一切都不过是短暂的片段 稍纵即逝
Here is the moment, here for a moment
唯有把握眼前的这一刻 才是永恒的拥有
It tears through my head, does it haunt you too?
在我脑海中肆虐的种种 是否也纠缠着你
Diamonds in the dark in your old bedroom
黑暗的卧房里 钻石般璀璨的你
You held me like my mother made me just for you
拥抱着我 仿若母亲般轻柔呵护 为你而生也甘之如饴
Held me so close that I broke in two
那样的紧拥 却让我有种破碎的错觉
It tears through my head, does it haunt you too?
在我脑海中肆虐的种种 是否也纠缠着你
Never really said that I loved you too
我从未真正说过 我也爱你
Lucky, lucky you 'cause I'm fortune's fool
幸运的是你 因为我是命运的蠢人
Such small words but they hit so huge
寥寥数语 却震耳欲聋
I don't think I realise
Just how much I miss you sometimes
We were young and so in love
那时我们还年轻 爱得纯真热烈
We were just creatures in Heaven
仿佛抵达云端 宛若天国的造物
I don't think I realise
Just how much I miss you sometimes
For a moment we were just
仿佛一瞬之间 我们并肩携手
We were just creatures in Heaven
抵达云端 宛若天国的造物
I don't see the point in a subtle romance
若隐若现的含蓄浪漫 于我而言毫无意义
Ten tonne heartache sitting on your back
数以吨计的心痛 紧贴你的后背
Scared of the crack where the light comes through
唯恐那一道透光的裂缝 宣告次日的到来
I'm only really me when I'm here with you
与你在一起 我才袒露真我
And it gets into your head like a cosmic zoom
潜入你的脑海 仿佛置身浩瀚宇宙空间
Coat on the door like an old space suit
挂在门口的外套 犹如一件旧宇航服
So long, cowboy, you're so cool
再见了 牛仔 你如此潇洒
Cash in hand with a memory of you
剩下手头现金 还有记忆中你的余温
I don't think I realise
Just how much I miss you sometimes
We were young and so in love
那时我们还年轻 爱得纯真热烈
We were just creatures in Heaven
仿佛抵达云端 宛若天国的造物
I don't think I realise
Just how much I miss you sometimes
For a moment we were just
仿佛一瞬之间 我们并肩携手
We were just creatures in Heaven
抵达云端 宛若天国的造物
Creatures in Heaven
Back then we were just
回首过往 青涩的我们
Creatures in Heaven
We were just creatures in Heaven
你我仿佛抵达云端 宛若天国的造物



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