HONNE《no song without you》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2024-04-16 13:24:43 173


Ooooh I'd be nothing without you

喔 没有你我一文不值

Ooooh there'd be no song without you without you

喔 倘若没有你 就没有动听的歌谣只剩沉寂

When I'm down and out


And feel like there is nothing left for me


You save me


Ooooh I felt nothing without you

喔 没有你我就是一具空壳

Ooooh there'd be no song without you without you

喔 倘若没有你 就没有动听的歌谣只剩沉寂

When I got into a fight and you stood right up for me

当我陷入纠纷 你为我挺身而出

You save me you save me

你拯救了我 你拯救了我

When I worry about some stupid s**t you always reassure me

当我杞人忧天的时候 你总是宽慰我心

You save me you save me

你拯救了我 你拯救了我

Ooooh I'd be nothing without you

喔 没有你我一文不值

Ooooh there'd be no song without you without you

喔 倘若没有你 就没有动听的歌谣只剩沉寂

There would be no song without you

倘若没有你 就没有动听的歌谣只剩沉寂

There would be no song without you

倘若没有你 就没有动听的歌谣只剩沉寂

There would be no song without you

倘若没有你 就没有动听的歌谣只剩沉寂

Without you without you without you

倘若没有你 倘若没有你 倘若没有你





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