Gunna《back to the moon》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2023-12-30 11:46:27 242


If you don't **** with me, don't do what I do

如果你不是和我混一道的 就别学着走我的路

Think he the one, but he really the two

他觉得自己是那个天选之子 其实只是个弟弟罢了

Better get low when I hit at your crew


I'm sendin' the cleaners through


I'm barely not sober, they thinkin' it's over, you niggas ain't seen my move

我并不是很清醒 他们觉得真相就是这样 你们这些人根本不知道我做了什么(疑似Gunna对告密嫌疑的回应)

They sent me down like I went outerspace, now I gotta go back to the moon

他们把我孤立起来了 像是放逐在了外太空 现在小爷我要回月亮上了

Nigga right back on the shrooms


Nigga geeked up like it ain't nun' to lose

这些家伙又被药效迷昏头了 觉得自己很无敌的一样

Two months, I'm back on the move

两个月小休整 我又开始工作行动了

Right back in the club throwin' racks in the pool

奔回夜店 我把大钞撒入舞池

I'm 'bout to start actin' a fool


It's just you and me, and you know who I choose

只有你和我 你知道我会选择谁的

You knew this would happen, you cut off the crew

“你”知道这个结果肯定会发生 然后“你”就切断了和团队的联系

I'm talkin' to me and not you


I missed out on millions and millions, that money is gone

狱中的日子让我错过了一个又一个百w 但钱没了就让它没吧

Ain't get no compensation, ain't no conversation for niggas, we ready to roll

不需要补偿 不需要和那些家伙谈话 我已经准备好这现实了

Let's get back to that basic, main reason they fakin' 'cause I done been ****in' they hoes

让我们跳到另一个话题 这些家伙虚伪的原因是因为我和他们的妹妹有些小联系

Only reason you said it 'cause these niggas said it, you suckin' the dick and the toes

你说我是snitch仅仅只是因为大家都这么跟风罢了 那人家叫你嗦他牛至你也照干?

You get caught, gotta know how it go

当你被逮住的时候 你知道会发生什么

'Cause this shit could get tricky fasho


Rich enough to get put in a hole


Got a crew but I been all alone

我曾经和YSL team那么铁 现在却只有我一个人独处

I been drivin' the car from the back takin' pictures and pieces in back of the Rolls

开上我的小跑车 我给我的大劳拍几张照

And I think these lil' boys wanna cook somethin', let's crank up the beef and get back to the shows

有些小家伙想对我下手 让我们先解决这一切 我还得回去继续我的演出

In Miami, we BP the boat

润到迈阿密海滩度个假 我在游艇上潇洒

Put the bulletproof back on the roll


Been a minute, it's been so long

每一分钟看似潇洒 实则但是度秒如年

Ever wondered that I was doin' wrong


I said, "Hold up, I'm switchin' up the tone"

我当说“等等 我换个腔调来唱这首”

Man, these niggas couldn't see me with the song

哥们 那些家伙看不到我在歌里解释了什么

If these niggas done never see me, probably wouldn't even be rappin' all along

如果某些人没有遇见我 估计就不会走上搞说唱这条路了(Gunna早期帮助过很多rapper)

And Young Gunna didn't get a season, these niggas'll never put it on

如果我没有得到一个适合的时机的话 那些人就再也不会改变对我的态度

I can't start what was needed

必须得搞清楚的一点是 我不能再从头重新开始我的事业

Yeah, I know y'all, Wun-Wunna put me on

我知道你们的 你们还是想把对我的态度再媒体面前拉扯一下 然后再赚点流量的

Kept it cool but it got me heated

我试着置之不谈冷静一会 但我还是急的炽热难耐

And I'm 'bout to show 'em how it go


At the river, I show 'em how it flow

在这首歌里 我给你们炫一下我的flow

At the show, and they know I'm

演出座无虚席 他们知道我热度依旧

If you don't **** with me, don't do what I do

如果你不是和我混一道的 就别学着走我的路

Think he the one, but he really the two

他觉得自己是那个天选之子 其实只是个弟弟罢了

Better get low when I hit at your crew


I'm sendin' the cleaners through


I'm barely not sober, they thinkin' it's over, you niggas ain't seen my move

我并不是很清醒 他们觉得真相就是这样 你们这些人根本不知道我做了什么

They sent me down like I went outer space, now I gotta go back to the moon

他们把我孤立起来了 像是放逐在了外太空 现在小爷我要回月亮上了

Nigga, back over the trees

哥们 现在回到那个话题

Niggas still rollin', we back on the east

我和我的团队依旧在努力工作着 我们回到了东岸

I'm still havin' soldiers that handle the needs


The venegance is givin' them ease

那些人对我所谓的口头复仇 让他们自己精神高潮了

You talkin' rats and you all with that cheese, we havin' some lemon squeeze

你们指着我的鼻子说我是告密老鼠 但是狠狠恰奶酪(流量)的却是你们吧 我们不吃那玩意 我们只喝柠檬水

I let you be into whatever I please, you know she do good on her knees

我让你的娃他妈做我喜欢的事 她跪着发挥出色

I finally discovered the


I'm glad I can see I'm the one that discussin'


It ain't 'bout that money, you got me disgusted

这不是钱的问题 你们让我感到恶心

You like it, then he gotta love it

你喜欢这么说 然后他也跟你的风开始说

to get up and close to a nigga 'cause I'm

他(Thugger?)希望我先抑后扬 然后像个man走起来 我已经做到了

My homie keep beggin' the cleaner couple of niggas, but ain't really budgin'

小兄弟一直在祈求我扫清那些碍脚石 我可不会让步

Gotta watch for the lots, I really can't talk to you niggas, but **** it

我得保持小心 我不能和你们这些家伙说话 但 去它的

I'm a boss and I gotta be cautious 'cause niggas don't keep it a hunna

我是真正的boss 我得注意我的言行 因为有人不一定会守口如瓶

It ain't my fault that I had to fall out with you niggas, but **** it

和你们闹翻 但这不是我的错误 但 去它的不管了

Ain't havin' time to be talkin', rest of them niggas, come see me in public

我没有时间解释太多 剩下的那几个家伙 可以来公共场合和我见见

You can't be trustin', you gotta watch out for these people

有的时候你不能相信任何人 你得注意你身边的家伙

This shit'll get ugly, and you can be lucky if you can look out for your people

现在事情闹得这么难收场 但是我永远谨记 只要保着自己的人就肯定会东山再起

When he ain't have nothin' and tried to make somethin', we lookin' for hay through a needle

当他啥都没有但又叫嚣着碰碰的时候 我们找他像大海捞针似得 又躲起来了

When you ever fall down and your back hit the ground, better pray to the Gods you don't need 'em

当你被现实打垮的时候 你最好向上帝祈祷而不是指望着他们

If you don't **** with me, don't do what I do

如果你不是和我混一道的 就别学着走我的路

Think he the one, but he really the two

他觉得自己是那个天选之子 其实只是个弟弟罢了

Better get low when I hit at your crew


I'm sendin' the cleaners through


I'm barely not sober, they thinkin' it's over, you niggas ain't seen my move

我并不是很清醒 他们觉得真相就是这样 你们这些人根本不知道我做了什么

They sent me down like I went outer space, now I gotta go back to the moon

他们把我孤立起来了 像是放逐在了外太空 现在小爷我要回月亮上了




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