Marf 邱彦筒《I'm Marf - elous》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

调理劳务系 2023-12-21 20:48:22 242

I'm Marf - elous - Marf 邱彦筒
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 I'm Marf - elous Marf 邱彦筒

I'm Marf-elous

Marf 邱彥筒


眾星下 那一抹鋒利擁有著斬破荊棘的力量

We fall -> We rise -> We slay
That’s the law of the Marf-elous universe ✨

[00:00.62]I’m Marf-elous


[00:01.73]Rap詞:Gareth Tong/marife

[00:02.39]曲:Gareth Tong

[00:02.79]編曲:Gareth Tong

[00:03.35]監製:Gareth Tong/謝國維

[00:04.35]OP:Warner Music Hong Kong Ltd (admin by Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited)/Wyman Limited

[00:06.68]SP:Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited

[00:07.73]All Instruments by:Gareth Tong

[00:08.53]Electric bass/guitar by:Nic Tsui

[00:09.87]Backing vocals arranged by:Gareth Tong

[00:10.71]Recorded by:Gareth Tong at Q2 Studio

[00:12.15]Mixed/mastered by:Matthew Sim

[00:13.25](C)+(P):Music Nation Records Co Ltd

[00:16.95]無論人類 多可怕 多了不起

[00:21.57]我一樣有 一種美 一抹鋒利

[00:26.00]無論求生 如何難

[00:28.55]我載歌 也載舞 不喘氣

[00:32.95]I slay

[00:36.67]望著日落 橙色的天

[00:38.74]共 滴下熱汗 講聲再見

[00:41.05]斟杯香檳 好好結算

[00:43.19]檢討為著 走得更遠

[00:45.49]一些心急 一些心軟

[00:47.80]一些驚喜 一些驚變

[00:49.89]是日又是 一堆挑戰

[00:52.30]但是並未 影響要點

[00:57.32]步步是 荊棘 也 未可阻我表演

[01:03.31]M for the magic that I got

[01:05.27]A star doesn't really say a lot

[01:07.73]Really made it



[01:09.64]Call it in yea we coming in hard duh

[01:12.03]I got you grabbing on my collarbone

[01:13.74]Call it in

[01:14.45]You are now in collar zone

[01:16.02]All eyes on me staring like a drone

[01:18.14]Stop blowing up my phone

[01:20.35]無論人類 多可怕 多了不起

[01:24.89]我一樣有 一種美 一抹鋒利

[01:29.34]無論求生 如何難 仍無損

[01:33.01]巡遊的 好天氣

[01:36.23]I slay

[01:57.64]花 半天 去追求完美時

[01:59.90]先 至知 世間無完美

[02:01.97]可惜不美好 不會阻我好

[02:04.39]水鑽給抹黑 都會閃過玻璃

[02:08.00]無論時代 多可怕 多了不起

[02:12.39]我一樣有 一種美 一抹鋒利

[02:17.11]無論求生 如何難

[02:19.48]我載歌 也載舞 不喘氣

[02:23.98]I slay

[02:26.09]台上台下 都不會 一跌不起

[02:30.49]眾星下 縱得幾吋 歌舞之地

[02:34.97]仍舊留守 到永遠

[02:37.49]唱我歌 跳我舞 爭口氣

[02:42.04]I slay




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