Lana Del Rey《hope is a dangerous thing for a ..》[MP3-320K/12M]

隔壁老王 2020-02-06 13:02:02 3178

hope is a dangerous thing for a .. - Lana Del Rey
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  1. 1 hope is a dangerous thing for a .. Lana Del Rey


I was reading Slim Aarons and I got to thinking that I thought

我读着Slim Aarons 再一次思酌曾经千般的想法

Maybe I'd get less stressed if I was tested less like

若生活未曾给过我这么多考验 或许我更愿些许的解脱

All of these debutantes


Smiling for miles in pink dresses and high heels on white yachts

穿着高跟鞋和一袭粉色裙摆遥远地微笑 在白色的游艇之上

But I'm not baby I'm not

但我不是她们 亲爱的 我并非她们

No I'm not that I'm not

我永远不会成为 除我之外的其他人

I've been tearing around in my f**king nightgown

曾游荡四方 穿着我的睡袍

24/7 Sylvia Plath

无时无刻 Sylvia Plath

Writing in blood on the walls


'Cause the ink in my pen don't work in my notepad

因为记事本里 笔墨已经无用

Don't ask if I'm happy you know that I'm not

别问我是否快乐 你知道我并不快乐

But at best I can say I'm not sad

但至少我能说 我并不悲哀

'Cause hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

因为希望危险异常 对于我这般的女人

Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

希望危险异常 若像我这样的女人也想拥有

I had fifteen-year dances


Church basement romances yeah I've got


Spilling my guts with the Bowery Bums


Is the only love I've ever known

彼时 那是我知道的唯一的真爱

Except for the stage which I also call home when I'm not


Servin' up God in a burnt coffee pot for the triad

侍奉上帝 为他烹煮咖啡(Lana曾提及新年愿望即为密切与加强与上帝的关系)

Hello it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad

嗨 这是你认识的iPad上最富有名誉的女人

Calling from beyond the grave I just wanna say "Hi Dad"

在坟墓之上呼唤 我只想叫一声“嗨爹地”(可能指Otto Plath之死 即前文提到的诗人Sylvia Plath之夫)

I've been tearing up town in my f**king white gown

我曾身着长袍 撕裂整个小镇

Like a godd**n near sociopath


Shaking my a*s is the only thing that's

舞动着我的双臀 这是唯一能够

Got this black narcissist off my back


She couldn't care less and I never cared more

她不能灭掉关心的念头 我却从未施与他人关怀

So there's no more to say about that


Except hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

除却希望 这危险的存在 对于我这般的女人

Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman with my past

希望危险异常 若像我这样的女人也想拥有

There's a new revolution a loud evolution that I saw

新的革命正在上演 我看见响彻云霄的蜕变

Born of confusion and quiet collusion of which mostly I've known

疑惑的诞生 还有那些人的勾结 那些我熟识的人们

A modern day woman with a weak constitution 'cause I've got


Monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off

魔鬼依旧在我的床底蛰伏 我永远也无法将他们赶走

A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off

是地狱的守门人粗心将钥匙 轻柔地扔进了我的夜晚

I've been tearing around in my f**king nightgown

我曾身着睡袍 四处毁坏

24/7 Sylvia Plath

无时无刻 Sylvia Plath

Writing in blood on your walls


'Cause the ink in my pen don't look good in my pad


They write that I'm happy they know that I'm not

他们都写着我的快乐 他们都知道我并不快乐

But at best you can see I'm not sad


But hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

希望危险异常 对于我这般的女人

Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

希望危险异常 若像我这样的女人也想拥有

Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

希望危险异常 若像我这样的女人也想拥有

But I have it


Yeah I have it

是的 我拥有了它

Yeah I have it

是的 我拥有了它

I have





最新回复 (75)
  • Bug 2020-03-30 08:44:07
  • Gideon 2020-04-05 12:09:32
    hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it
  • skjgj 2020-04-05 12:21:26
  • littlejanny77 2020-08-07 17:19:24
    xie xie
  • 16125275 2020-08-31 18:12:47
  • 有点单纯有点坏 2020-12-08 10:18:32
  • 打闪闪 2020-12-17 10:09:22
  • uglypolar 2020-12-25 11:48:03
  • drinkjocy 2021-01-20 20:11:08

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