《李志辉作品精选集-限量珍藏版》2CD [WAV+CUE]

NL_LXL 2023-09-08 09:29:37 1716



01、水墨丹青凤凰城2012版 Phoenix City,a city in Chinese ink snd wash

02、紫禁花园2012版 The Forbiddeb Garden

03、清音玉露月牙泉 Clear tone and water in Yueya Spring

04、碧水微风媚太湖 Charming Tai Lake with blue water and breeze

05、青瓦白墙恋徽州 Huizhou,verdant tile and white wall in the name of the city

06、乌兰巴托草原之夜 Night of Ulan Bator Grassland

07、溪行桃花源 Wandering Arcadia along Stream

08、平遥古韵 Pingyao,ancient charm

09、渔舟湘江晚唱 Night Chant in Fishing Boat beside Xiang River

10、丝路花雨锁泉州 Quanzhou,city is surrounded by Silk Way and rain of flower

11、小桥流水人家 Small bridge,flowing water and household

12、大理雪月觅风花 Dali,romantic story with wind,flower,snow,moon


01、水墨兰亭 Pavilion In aChinese Painting

02、千江有水千江月 Moonlight Over Qian River

03、夜宴紫禁宫 Banquet At Forbidden City

04、太极幻影 Phantom Of TaiChi

05、静月思 A Self-Reflection In A Quiet Evening

06、云水潇湘 The Foggy River In HuNan

07、禅茶人生 A Meditation Inspired By Tea

08、茶山笛语 Melody Of Piccolo Though Mountain Path

09、梧桐细语 Whisper Of Indus

10、菊花醉 (演唱:谭晶) Little Drunk Among Chrysanthemums

11、仙山谣 (演唱:齐豫、王铮亮) Ballad Of A Holy Mountain

12、襄阳歌 (演唱:黑鸭子、八只眼) A Praise To XiangYang City

13、尊道贵德(演唱:毛阿敏) Faith In Taoism

14、海天一色(演唱:夏瓦曲呷) The harmony of se a and sky




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