Linkin Park《Fighting Myself》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

tudou 2023-03-24 21:22:35 1532


Now, sometimes these thoughts in my head speak so loud

如今 有时种种思绪在我的脑海如此聒噪

Every little thing that I think about just built on top of the pain and doubt

浮现在我心中的点点滴滴 无一不建立在痛苦与怀疑之上

Even though I wanna just let it out, I

虽无比渴望发泄 但我

Try to act like I don't mind it, try to keep my mouth so quiet

却试着表现得云淡风轻 试着缄默不言

But sittin' there in my silence, just seems to amplify it

但沉默坐在那里 似乎放大了情绪

When I thought that keepin' this inside would make it better


I never thought that I would end up ruining it forever

我从没想过就此毁灭殆尽 不留余地

But everytime I think, I got everything put back together

可每次心思一动 我就又复原好一切

I end up making more regrets, making more regrets

我终是遗憾居多 抱憾一生

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart

堕落自恩典的怀抱 我目睹一切分崩离析

Knowing I could've changed it all from the start

我明白 从一开始我就可以改变一切

Fighting myself, I always lose

敌人是我自己 我总一败涂地

Fighting myself, I always lose

与自我抗争 我总一败涂地

I didn't want you to think I'm worn out so easily

我不想让你觉得 我疲惫不堪地太轻易

I wish I'd held in, so you never knew what built up inside of me

我希望遏制住情感 你就不会知道我心中所想

Now, I don't know how it overflows, spill out unwillingly

可此刻 我不知那种种情绪怎么溢出 不情愿地溢出

But now, everything that I learned to hate came out for you to see

而今 我所憎恨的一切 你都一览无余

I don't want you to promise you can change everything and make it better

我不希望 你承诺能改变一切 美好一切

'Cause you can bet, I'm gonna end up ruining it forever

因为你大可打赌 我会就此毁灭殆尽 不留余地

And everytime you think, you got everything put back together

可每次心思一动 我就又复原好一切

I end up making more regrets, making more regrets

我终是遗憾居多 抱憾一生

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart

堕落自恩典的怀抱 我目睹一切分崩离析

Knowing I could've changed it all from the start

我明白 从一开始我就可以改变一切

Fighting myself, I always lose

敌人是我自己 我总一败涂地

Fighting myself, I always lose

与自我抗争 我总一败涂地

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart

堕落自恩典的怀抱 我目睹一切分崩离析

Knowing I could've changed it all from the start

我明白 从一开始我就可以改变一切

Fighting myself, I always lose

敌人是我自己 我总一败涂地

Fighting myself, I always lose

与自我抗争 我总一败涂地

I can't run with this weight on my back

千钧重负 我不得动弹

I can't see 'cause I'm focused on the past

我无法看清 因为沉湎过去

I can't breathe, I need to break free

我无法呼吸 我得将桎梏挣脱

From the anger that is constantly inside of me


I can't run with this weight on my back

千钧重负 我不得动弹

I can't see 'cause I'm focused on the past

我无法看清 因为沉湎过去

I can't breathe, I need to break free

我无法呼吸 我得将桎梏挣脱

From the anger that is constantly inside of me


Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart

堕落自恩典的怀抱 我目睹一切分崩离析

Knowing I could've changed it all from the start

我明白 从一开始我就可以改变一切

I can't breathe, I need to break free

我无法呼吸 我得将桎梏挣脱

From the anger that is constantly inside of me


Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart

堕落自恩典的怀抱 我目睹一切分崩离析

Knowing I could've changed it all from the start

我明白 从一开始我就可以改变一切

I can't breathe, I need to break free

我无法呼吸 我得将桎梏挣脱

From the anger that is constantly inside of me





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