HADES/黑帝斯 202 0游戏《哈迪斯》原声带[MP3-320K]

真探唐仁杰 2023-03-08 17:08:33 297

01 No Escape.mp3

02 The House of Hades.mp3

03 Out of Tartarus.mp3

04 Wretched Shades.mp3

05 Lament of Orpheus.mp3

06 The Painful Way.mp3

07 From Olympus.mp3

08 Through Asphodel.mp3

09 Good Riddance (Eurydice Solo).mp3

10 Final Expense.mp3

11 Mouth of Styx.mp3

12 Primordial Chaos.mp3

13 The Bloodless.mp3

14 Scourge of the Furies.mp3

15 Hymn to Zagreus.mp3

16 Field of Souls.mp3

17 River of Flame.mp3

18 Death and I.mp3

19 Rage of the Myrmidons.mp3

20 The Exalted.mp3

21 Last Words.mp3

22 The King and the Bull.mp3

23 Lament of Orpheus (Underworld Mix).mp3

24 Gates of Hell.mp3

25 God of the Dead.mp3

26 Final Expense (Payback Mix).mp3

27 On the Coast.mp3

28 In the Blood.mp3

29 The Unseen Ones.mp3

30 Good Riddance.mp3




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