Fakear/Ana Zimmer《Something Wonderful》[MP3-320K/8.6M]

隔壁老王 2023-01-30 16:05:23 306


Wait and see what is on the other side

另一个世界是什么模样 我们拭目以待

Trust in me live it all make it golden

相信我 用心感受 让此刻永恒

Why shouldn't we run over these steps and rise

我们何不昂首挺胸 大步向前

'Cause you got you got nothing to lose you got it all in me

因为你一无所有 有我 你就拥有了一切

There'll be ups and down highs and lows

起起落落 浮浮沉沉 在所难免

In the darkest fire you'll make it snow

即使是最猛烈的焰火 你也能用大雪将它扑灭

You got this baby you got this

你可以的 宝贝 你可以的

Keep on trying hard don't take it slow

继续努力 不要放慢脚步

You'll be breaking the walls it'll make it glow

你会推倒禁锢的高墙 光芒会照进你的世界

You got this you got this


There's something wonderful

那个世界 精彩无限

Wait a minute wait a while I'm scared of falling after all

等一等 我终究还是害怕失败

Take me where I shouldn't hide if I got nothing nothing to lose

带我去不用躲藏的地方 如果我一无所有

I wanna see what is on the other side


If I got nothing nothing to lose I'll have it all I'm in

如果我一无所有 那我将会拥有一切

There'll be ups and down highs and lows

起起落落 浮浮沉沉 在所难免

In the darkest fire you'll make it snow

即使是最猛烈的焰火 你也能用大雪将它扑灭

You got this baby you got this

你可以的 宝贝 你可以的

Keep on trying hard don't take it slow

继续努力 不要放慢脚步

You'll be breaking the walls it'll make it glow

你会推倒禁锢的高墙 光芒会照进你的世界

You got this you got this


There's something wonderful

那个世界 精彩无限

Merrygo is all I need


Feeling mighty finally crumble never crumble oh now

感觉充满力量 永远不可能崩溃

Let it go I used to be


Taking the drown giving us the moon rumble make it crumble

轻易屈服 畏缩不前 没有一点勇气

Something wonderful


Keep on trying hard don't take it slow

继续努力 不要放慢脚步

You'll be breaking the walls it'll make it glow

你会推倒禁锢的高墙 光芒会照进你的世界

You got this you got this


There's something wonderful

那个世界 精彩无限





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