콜딘《Romantic Devi》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2022-11-26 14:33:16 818


캄캄한 우주를 헤매이던 찰나

置身漆黑宇宙 彷徨徘徊的刹那

태양을 copy 해 매일이 밝아

效仿耀眼太阳 每天如此明亮

You got me stuck

You got me stuck

Alright alright

구름 위로 펼쳐진 colorful sky

云端之上 铺展开来的炫彩天空

매일 밤 쏟아지는 beautiful star

每晚 都倾泻洒落的美妙星光

You got me stuck

You got me stuck

Alright alright

Knocking on my door

Unlocking on my door

Knocking on your door

Unlocking on your door

Step into my heart

And you've become my world

Oh you're Romantic Devil

내 세계를 맘대로 더 흩트려놔도 돼

你大可随心所欲 继续扰乱我的世界

You're Romantic Devil

캄캄한 우주의 유일한 Pinlight

漆黑宇宙深处 唯一的点点光明

널 만난 세상은 유난히 빛나

遇见你的世界 格外璀璨炫目

You got me stuck

You got me stuck

Alright alright

두 손 위로 이미 던져진 주사위

双手朝上 已然抛掷而出的骰子

너라는 golden key 설레이는 start

名为你的黄金钥匙 令人悸动的开始

You got me stuck

You got me stuck

Alright alright

Knocking on my door

Unlocking on my door

Knocking on your door

Unlocking on your door

Step into my heart

And you've become my world

Oh you're Romantic Devil

내 세계를 맘대로 더 흩트려놔도 돼

你大可随心所欲 继续扰乱我的世界

You're Romantic Devil

오늘 밤 너의 품에 찾아가

今晚 要前去投入你怀抱

I wanna sleep next to you

어느 별 어느 세상에서도

无论置身哪颗星 哪个世界

Oh baby stand by my side

Step into my heart

And you've become my world

Oh you're Romantic Devil

내 세계를 맘대로 더 흩트려놔도 돼

你大可随心所欲 继续扰乱我的世界

You're Romantic Devil





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