Aash Mehta/Andy Sandrick《The Call》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

路过人间 2019-08-03 09:55:34 1880

The Call - Aash Mehta
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 The Call Aash Mehta


Hey, sorry I didn't call for awhile

嗨 抱歉 近来未曾给你拨去电话

Guess life got in the way of it all

生活的重担 实在让我不得脱身

Hey, I know it's been hard sometimes

嗨 我知道 人生路上难免艰辛与坎坷

Need to let you know you're not alone

所以打给你 就是想让你知道 你并不孤单

Anytime you feel down

无论何时 若你倍感失落

Want you to know that you're loved

我想让你知道 你还在被一个人深爱着

Anytime you're in the dark

无论何时 若你沉沦于灰暗之中

I need you to know, you're loved

你要知道 有人还在痴痴地爱着你

You're loved


Hey, it's early on a Friday night

嗨 周五之夜天色尚浅

Let's get out of this cave for awhile


Hey, know it's hard to find the time

嗨 我知道 我们很难找到时间相聚

We can do something with life

但这辈子 我们还能做很多有意义的事

Tell me it's not your fault I know

告诉我 这并非是你的过错

Tell me things are not ok

告诉我 你的生活并不尽如人意

Tell me I'm wastin' my breath

告诉我 我也不过是在挥霍生命

It's a big mistake


I tell you that we will soldier on

我会告诉你 我们会毅然走向荆棘遍布的远方

I tell you that we will be fine

我会告诉你 我们将会安然无恙

We'll win the war one battle at a time


Anytime you feel down

无论何时 若你倍感失落

Want you to know that you're loved

我想让你知道 你还在被一个人深爱着

Anytime you're in the dark

无论何时 若你沉沦于灰暗之中

Need you to know, you're loved

你要知道 有人还在痴痴地爱着你

You're loved






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