Fall Out Boy/HazeDave《The Phoenix (Remix)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

Pain 2019-07-20 01:07:07 4145

The Phoenix (Remix) - Fall Out Boy/HazeDave
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 The Phoenix (Remix) Fall Out Boy/HazeDave


Put on your war paint

涂上战妆 蓄势待发

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down

你就像压在我身上的巨石 让我寸步难行

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground

划一根火柴 我要将你烧至乌有

We are the jack-o-lanterns in July


Setting fire to the sky


Here here comes this rising tide so come on

潮水汹涌 危机四伏 所以来吧

Put on your war paint

涂上战妆 蓄势待发

Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope to die

横行而上 破釜沉舟 血溅沙场

Silver clouds with grey linings

银色的云 灰色的战袍 交辉相应

So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked

所以 我们能从暴戾的人手中夺回城池

One maniac at a time we will take it back

把这些疯子一个一个解决掉 我们必将夺回一切

You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start

你知道 坐等变革只是在浪费时间

So dance alone to the beat of your heart

倒不如跟随内心 行动起来

Like a phoenix


Bring home the boys in scraps scrap metal the tanks

我要摧毁敌人的坦克 把铠甲残破的战士带回家乡

Get hitched make a career out of robbing banks

结个婚 再靠着抢银行成就一番事业

Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks

因为世界就是银行柜员 而我们便是戴着黑色面具的匪徒

You broke our spirit says the note we pass

我们留下的纸条会说 你摧毁了我们的信念

So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked

所以 我们能从暴戾的人手中夺回城池

One maniac at a time we will take it back

把这些疯子一个一个解决掉 我们必将夺回一切

You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start

你知道 坐等变革只是在浪费时间

So dance alone to the beat of your heart

倒不如跟随内心 行动起来

Like a phoenix


Put on your war paint

涂上战妆 蓄势待发

The war is won before it's begun

战争虽未开始 但注定会胜利

Release the doves surrender love

放飞白鸽 交付你的爱

The war is won before it's begun

战争虽未开始 但注定会胜利

Release the doves surrender love

放飞白鸽 交付你的爱

The war is won before it's begun

战争虽未开始 但注定会胜利

Release the doves surrender love

放飞白鸽 交付你的爱

The war is won before it's begun

战争虽未开始 但注定会胜利

Release the doves surrender love

放飞白鸽 交付你的爱

Hey young blood doesn't it feel

热血的年轻人 难道没有感觉到

Like our time is running out


I'm going to change you like a remix


Then I'll raise you like a phoenix


Wearing our vintage misery


No I think it looked a little better on me

不 我想我看起来要好一些了

I'm going to change you like a remix


Then I'll raise you like a phoenix


Hey young blood doesn't it feel

热血的年轻人 难道没有感觉到

Like our time is running out


I'm going to change you like a remix


Then I'll raise you like a phoenix


Put on your war paint






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