Leeson Bryce、Akon《Falling Star》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

胖虎 2019-05-09 11:05:49 1827

Falling Star - Leeson Bryce
- 00:00 / 00:00
  1. 1 Falling Star Leeson Bryce


1 2 3 4

Give us just one more


1 2 3 4

What is it all for


Falling star is that what you are

你像是一颗流星 匆匆划过天际

Are you just another street light in the night


Falling star is that what you are

你像是一颗流星 匆匆划过天际

Are you just another street light in the night


Falling star falling star can I make a wish

流星 流星 我能许个愿吗

Can the time of our era get better than this


In night skies we can hear the loss of their fights

夜空下 我们仿佛听到了战败声

Sadness in the minds the loss of their lives

无数人为此丧命 心中悲痛万分

Depression is the cause we take our own lives


Our trust is always scarce hearts stabbed with a knife

信任缺失 心如刀绞

We say we don't see and still we don't cry

我们什么都看不见 但我们不会流泪

We're always on the edge darkness in our minds


Please oh lord just give us one more day

老天 请再给我一天的时间

The sickness that we have getting worse every day


We glorify the bad and the good dies away

若我们嘉奖恶行 善行就会消失

Foreshadowing a time the end is our fate

这预示着一个时代的终结 命运使然

I constantly wonder if the time is too late

我一直在想 一切会不会太迟了

Our ignorance is bliss never mind what I say

无知是福 别管我说了什么

I keep it to myself I pray on this day

坚持自我 这一天我祈祷着

Falling star let me make a wish on today

流星 今天就让我许个愿吧

Falling star is that what you are

你像是一颗流星 匆匆划过天际

Are you just another street light in the night


Falling star is that what you are

你像是一颗流星 匆匆划过天际

Are you just another street light in the night


Falling star falling star can I make a wish

流星 流星 我能许个愿吗

Don't add another poor soul upon the devils list


In night skies we can hear the souls of their cries

夜空下 我们听到那些灵魂在哭泣

Let the pain go away I pray upon this night

让痛苦都消失吧 我在夜里祈祷着

Death is always here we take each other's lives

死亡就在我们身边 我们自相残杀

The love is always scarce we hate on till we die

爱越来越少 仇恨伴随我们到死

We say we always see and yet we are so blind

我们自以为什么都懂 可实际上如此盲目

We're always on the edge no peace inside our minds

我们的内心一直在挣扎 不得安宁

Time and time again the world is getting worse

一次又一次 整个世界变得越来越可怕

We're victims of the world death is all around us

我们都是其中的受害者 死亡就在我们身边

We glorify the good yet the bad becomes great

若我们弘扬善行 就会引导坏人向善

Foreshadowing a time the end is our fate

这预示着一个时代的终结 命运使然

I constantly wonder if the time is too late

我一直在想 一切会不会太迟了

Our ignorance is bliss never mind what I say

无知是福 别管我说了什么

I keep it to myself I pray on this day

坚持自我 这一天我祈祷着

Falling star let me make a wish on today

流星 今天就让我许个愿吧

Falling star is that what you are

你像是一颗流星 匆匆划过天际

Are you just another street light in the night


Falling star is that what you are

你像是一颗流星 匆匆划过天际

Are you just another street light in the night






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