求歌:Logan Paul 的《the number song》 - [已解决 赏金 5 枚]

Rhadamanthy 2021-06-13 19:56:34 265

One two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve

Thirteen fourteen

Fifteen sixteen seventeen

Eighteen nineteen twenty

Twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four Twenty-five

Twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine


Forget all the haters that said, I couldn't do it

I said i'd count to thirty and you know I'd really do it

I'm that boy that's my boy

And I love to count

I'm that boy (that's my boy,that's my boy)

that's my boy that's my boy

I'm that boy

that's my that's my boy

that's my boy that's my boy

I'm that boy ,yeah yeah yeah

I am call with you if you say you love to count

Counting is my favorite and there's what this song's about

Sing it loud and sing it proud

Cause, no,This ain't the alphabet,just in case you had a doubt

This like one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve

Thirteen fourteen

Fifteen sixteen seventeen

Eighteen nineteen twenty

Twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four Twenty-five

Twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine


I saw your face

When I counted up to 10,you know it wasn't 30

My mom's ashamed

I know if I don't finish, you will probably disown me

Is it Einstein?Is it Newton ?Galileo? Maybe Uller?

That's giving me this power

To finish what I started

Cause I never thought that numbers were better

I could never wrap my head around that letter

I know I have to follow my heart

One two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve

Thirteen fourteen

Fifteen sixteen seventeen

Eighteen nineteen twenty

Twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five

Twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine


I am call with you if you say you love to count

Counting is my favorite and there's what this song's about
  • tudou 2021-6-13
  • 最新回复 (1)
    • tudou 2021-06-13 21:22:47

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