Malia J《Smells Like Teen Spirit》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

隔壁老王 2021-07-17 12:08:48 3021


Load up on guns and bring your friends

子弹上膛 带上你的朋友

It's fun to lose and to pretend


She's over-bored and self-assured

她无趣极了 又毫不自谦

Oh no, I know a dirty word

哦不 我知道一个肮脏的字眼

Hello, hello, hello, how low

喂 喂 喂 多么低级

Hello, hello, hello, how low

喂 喂 喂

With the lights out, it's less dangerous

漆黑一片时 没那么危险

Here we are now, entertain us

我们既已至此 那就取悦我们吧

I feel stupid and contagious

我感到愚蠢 这份感觉它不断传染、蔓延

Here we are now, entertain us

我们就在这里 取悦我们吧

I'm worse at what I do best


And for this gift, I feel blessed

这份天赋 让我感觉自己是收到庇佑的

Our little group has always been


And always will until the end

并且会一直如此 直到永远

Hello, hello, hello, how low

喂 喂 喂 多么低级

Hello, hello, hello, how low

喂 喂 喂

With the lights out, it's less dangerous

灯光熄灭时 没那么危险

Here we are now, entertain us

我们既已至此 那就取悦我们吧

I feel stupid and contagious

我感到愚蠢 这种感觉它不断传染、蔓延

Here we are now, entertain us

我们既已至此 那就取悦我们吧

A mulatto, an albino

一个黑白混血 一个白化病人

A mosquito, my libido

一只蚊子 我的性冲动

And I forget just why I taste


Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile


I found it hard, it's hard to find

我发现很难 很难去找到

Oh well, whatever, nevermind

好吧 随便了 别介意

Hello, hello, hello, how low

喂 喂 喂 多低级

Hello, hello, hello, how low

喂 喂 喂

With the lights out, it's less dangerous

漆黑一片时 没那么危险

Here we are now, entertain us

我们既已至此 那就取悦我们吧

I feel stupid and contagious

我感到愚蠢 这份感觉不断传染、蔓延

Here we are now, entertain us

我们就在这里 取悦我们吧

A denial, a denial

否认吧 拒绝吧

A denial, a denial

排斥吧 背弃吧

A denial, a denial

否定吧 阻止吧

A denial, a denial

反抗吧 毁灭吧




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